
corrosion, hope

For months now, i have put my study of the world and its interactions on standby, with maintenance only.(papers, couple of other pubs.) At first i thought i just needed a break from bombs, bluster, and banality, but now i think it stemmed from a temporary loss of faith in the power of information or the access to it. Along with too much smoke and not enough fresh air, combined with that ever-changing interest/involvement curve-(natural variation or man-made..ha!). I lost faith in the maxim "the course of history is self-correcting, stability will return". The means of resolution is what i truly fear. Stability will come, but how? and at what cost? the election gave brief glimmers of sun, but the clouds soon covered up. Time is (one of)THE critical elements in our new century. The pace of change, the way people interact, the sheer number of events packed into every hour; all these things are churning rapidly but with the slow burn in congress and a White house more preoccupied with prosecuting a war and defending its staffers, where are the ideas? what crap may come forth this year? how bout another surge? anyone? A fundamental change must take place in our generation which alters how our way of life interacts with the ecosystem. Energy, the environment, education, "the defense department's" existence, and a host of other policy issues, which i will detail in a later post, are all IMMEDIATE concerns. Humanity cannot wait. All that aside, i am quickly being brought out of my self-imposed, smoke-filled doldrums into a newer, clearer air. I have renewed my subscription to Z, and the new republic, and am delving back in. Reasons? several. one thing i do have to say besides all that drivel is-BARACK for president.

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