
texas letters: hearts, minds, etc...

texas letters: hearts, minds, etc...

check this old post out-may 2k4. slightly uneven though- but hey, 2.5 yrs. canthe facts remain mstly the same-unemployment rate of 40 per cent rather than 78. seems i was a Bit optimistic, though-especially as to the swift implementain, er, acceptance, of capitalism. i was wrong in thinking the us had any intention in reacting to conditions on the ground early on. i was naive enough 2 think the us might acutally fund reconstruction sufficiently. i was naive 2 think that idealism was the proper prism with which to view this war, to think it might somehow work out. 3.5 yrs, 75K Iraqis dead, 2700 americans. 600 billion dollars spent, 18 billion of that was reconstruction. what a sad ratio of guns to aid that is.

Bureau of the Public Debt : The Debt To the Penny

Bureau of the Public Debt : The Debt To the Penny



how phreaking spectacular is our congress? vast new powers are up for grabs-wiretapping, etc. get ready everybody, because with the "compromise" allowing torture, along came the spider weaving his web of surveillance over all of us. hoorrah. I just cant wait to be fully protected from all those darned terrorists!!!! i mean, there are just so many of them that i just cant count. i am afraid, america!! thank god for congress, the prez, rummy, cheney, etc. i mean, if it were nt 4 those guys, i, mean, who knows man.
p.s. (the world)- t minus 20 yrs or so

seriously, though now. about time i posted. the war in iraq is going even worse, the cycle of violence has not stopped-in palestine or anywhere else and we seem ever closer to some sort of military confrontation with iran. jobs, jobs, where are the iraqi jobs? 50 per cent unemployment. 3.5 yrs. a ghastly, petrifyingly appalling situation in total.