

how phreaking spectacular is our congress? vast new powers are up for grabs-wiretapping, etc. get ready everybody, because with the "compromise" allowing torture, along came the spider weaving his web of surveillance over all of us. hoorrah. I just cant wait to be fully protected from all those darned terrorists!!!! i mean, there are just so many of them that i just cant count. i am afraid, america!! thank god for congress, the prez, rummy, cheney, etc. i mean, if it were nt 4 those guys, i, mean, who knows man.
p.s. (the world)- t minus 20 yrs or so

seriously, though now. about time i posted. the war in iraq is going even worse, the cycle of violence has not stopped-in palestine or anywhere else and we seem ever closer to some sort of military confrontation with iran. jobs, jobs, where are the iraqi jobs? 50 per cent unemployment. 3.5 yrs. a ghastly, petrifyingly appalling situation in total.

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