
speaking electively

Another electoral decision is upon the world, which is eagerly waiting to see WHO will be the next leader of Iraq. What we are being given is lightly colored sugar water which is supposed to satisfy our minds that "things are progressing", or "its a democratic process at work". HA! Complete farce. Fabrication. Several facts remain. We invaded Iraq, saying that we would bring the country into a "new age of democratic prosperity". Living conditions, not to mention prosperity among the citizenry has fallen since the invasion. Unemployment still stands at 70%. Reconstruction projects which would benefit the urban population have all but been put on hold due to "security concerns".


Sadly, nearly all of the reconstruction projects completed thus far have dealt with oil infrastructure. Why has the Administration not put any energy into hiring citizens on a civil construction basis? And what of our responsibility to provide order to an occupied country? What of our responsibility to the Iraqi people? Bush talked much of this, but where are the results? There are very few to be found.
We have failed to improve any facet of the situation since invasion. Water and sewer infrastructure is dismal. Electricity less reliable than before the invasion. A collapsed Iraqi industrial complex that is not being invested in apart from oil related industries. I will take cement for a specific example-the most widely used product in the era of 10 foot blast walls and otherwise-we have it flown in from foreign factories and decline to invest in or operate domestic Iraqi sources.(obscure but I hope my example's intent is understood)
To repeat: we have done very little good inside Iraq besides get rid of its former dictator. With even the imperialist nature of the initial act removed(discarding the part that sickens me the most), our factual results in Iraq have proved to of be little benefit to the people! What we have given Iraqis has been nothing but more complex and dangerous lives. How we addressed their needs was pitifully inadequate relative to the situation on the ground. One more tidbit before i go: There are 24 million people in Iraq, of which 16 million or so are unemployed. How can you have a legitimate country or even expect civil order in a society with nothing to do? Again, the fact that there is not civilian hiring on a MASSIVE scale by the Iraqi(US) government similar to what WE did during the Great Depression is nearly criminal-and has been for two years so. I give a thumbs up to The Administration for a well-documented horrible job. On nearly everything. Oh, except Shock and Awe. Those guys. They were great.

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