
Policy bites back post tense

Although seldom spoken of in mainstream press, our policies, whether of an imperialistic nature or grown out of a defensive posture have created the majority of Anti-American attitudes where they exist.  The rejection of IMF policies in central and south america of recent times, Cold War policy up to the fall of communism, along with post-Cold War policy under George I was inadequate and without foresight to the consequences of their actions.  The  Clinton administration did not give much concern at all to the fermenting of terrorism in the middle east, parts of south asia and a smatering of antiamerican sentiment elsewhere throughout the globe made the problem worse .  My point is that these policy failures can be rectified with patience and a shift in dominance from the pentagon and the military-industrial complex to a more powerful State Department.  Large defense budgets could be wisely spent elsewhere-(like a workable renewable energy source?!!!!) but politics will not let the defense budget go down.  We spend billions on foreign bases which have no strategic importance, while Iraqi children starve in a story we created. We must help them repair their country with diplomacy and whatever help the Iraqis require as they attempt their formation of a nation. This is the key-THEIR NATION.  What we damaged with our bombs in Iraq (over half a million sorties flown!), and numerous overt AND covert military interventions throughout the world is going to prove to be THE largest foreign policy hurdle our democracy has ever faced, and George W. is and likely will remain our President.  His foreign policy, critical issues before the supreme court, energy policy, trade policy and  domestic issues too numerous to hit on in this post will present a deciding era in 21st century politics.  How Bush deals with an evermore fractured legislature and a wild card supreme court will prove to be interesting.  post over for today but more will certainly follow.  

M. Zachary

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