
broadband democracy

With the reelection of Bush II, we saw large voter turnout. In the same thread as an insurgency gone broadband the voting public went high-speed to the polls. I believe the internet has changed and is changing politics in ways we do not even fully realize. With easy access to large amounts of information or misinformation, however one looks at it, political themes are jockeyed about online with vigor unseen to date. Will this change politics for the good? I hope so. I am chewing on one optimistic thought within a gumball full of future poor Bush policy decisions. America will maintain hegemony for a while, with a halt coming soon.


Election Eve predictions, hopes

The American Experiment is having an election tomorrow.
It took us one billion dollars and superheated air to float in.

I predict a solid bush victory, and with it the continuation of his policies. These include, but are not limited to his environmental policies-atrocious!, his faith based heath initiatives, a huge new corporate handout in the medicare drug benefit, but looming above all is militarization. Massive amounts of money will flow into the Pentagon and its allies in industry. Research into new nuclear weapons will continue. He has and will continue to pour money into the final frontier- space- the posting of arms in orbit. What he will do with the amount of force he will have at his fingers is my question, and one of my fears.

What will he accomplish against liberty in four more years? If there are no more large scale terrorist attacks on our nation, civil liberties will stay largely intact where they are now. However dire that situation is will only become truly acute and noticeable when Bush has reason to further "protect" us.

The only problem is, our foreign policies and activities are the reason for these attacks. These must change, and this is exactly what Bush will not do. If Kerry is elected, only he knows what he is going to do, because we surely do not. I believe bin Laden is voting for Bush-in order to catalyze Muslim dissent and project it outwards more forcefully.

Either way, the choices among presidents have been severly lacking of late. With both parties entrenched in monied interests, I believe that the citizenry will lose no matter which Yale grad gets the Office. Kerry would stem the tide of nationalistic neofacism, but only through a brilliant presidency could he accomplish what is needed. I dont think he would deliver on that. Bush will be more of the same-times four. I hope that i am overly pessimistic and will look back and laugh at my infant blog. I truly believe I am right, and this is what scares me. Liberty or death.